A brand-new, online training from renowned student support specialist Dr. Andrea Ogonosky
Dr. Ogonosky shares new information and delivers guidance on integrating a continuum of services with overlap between General Education, MTSS, and Special Education Counseling within the TEA Comprehensive Framework.
This training focuses on:
- Discussing counseling as a related service relative to the IDEA definition
- The various data sources used in determining the need for related services and assessments
- Aligning the information with the PLAAFP
- Writing effective goals for IEPs
- Fresh resources for your counseling toolbox
This experience is designed specially for school counselors, special education counselors, and school psychologists.
Registration for the Counseling as a Related Service training is closed
We will be opening this brand new training soon.
Sign up below and we’ll let you know when it opens!
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Attendees are eligible for up to 3 hours of continuing education credits. Attendees are responsible for checking in online for the webinar and filling out an evaluation form in order to receive their Certificate of Attendance.

About Andrea
Dr. Andrea Ogonosky is a licensed psychologist, a licensed specialist in school psychology, and a nationally certified school psychologist who currently serves various roles in school districts across the United States. Her job duties include assessing students for IDEA disability conditions; conducting program reviews on Response to Intervention, Section 504, and Special Education; designing Response to Intervention systems of support for small, medium, and large school districts; providing professional development on a variety of educational and assessment topics; supplying expert testimony at local, state, and federal court; and supervising school psychology students at the master and doctoral level.