ED311 presents

Intentional Dyslexia Assessment

Using Texas Legislative Guidance to Design, Interpret, and Develop Strong Components of a Legally Defensible FIIE

Online & On-Demand with a live webinar
Access opens November 15th
Q&A on January 31st


This highly anticipated new training from Dr. Andrea Ogonosky guides participants from assessment planning using a multidisciplinary team approach to  applying multimethod sourced assessments for diagnosing the IDEA SLD condition of Dyslexia.

The session also concentrates on writing reports that are understandable and focused on the impact of the condition and needs for special education programming. Multiple strategies and resources are provided, and activities are designed to help create strong recommendations for IEP goal development.

Learning Objectives Include:

The FIIE Components
TEA Expectations
Data Collection

Data Collection, Analysis, & Integration
Data Source Balance
Clinical Judgement

Team Member Responsibilities

Impact Statements & Recommendations
Information for ARD
Determinations of Need and Eligibility

Registrants will receive useful analysis and insights regarding facets of dyslexia diagnosis and support such as IDEA, HB3928, 9 TAC 74.28, the Dyslexia Handbook, the MDT Process, Cultural Humility, the CLEAR Approach to Writing Reports, and much more.

As always, Dr. Ogonosky is available to answer all registrants’ questions, not only during the live webinar on January 31st but also via email through the ED311 online learning platform.

An online, on-demand training

This 7 hour training begins by watching two modules at your convenience from your home or office. Registration for the winter cohort is now open!

Access to course content begins November 15th, 2024.
Then join Dr. O for a live webinar at 10AM on January 31st, 2025.

The spring cohort of the Dyslexia training is now closed.

We will be re-opening this training and scheduling a new live webinar for the fall.  Sign up below and we’ll let you know when it opens!

Sign up here to be notified when the next training registration window opens!

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Attendees are eligible for up to 7 hours of continuing education credits.  Attendees are responsible for checking in online for the webinar and filling out an evaluation form in order to receive their Certificate of Attendance.


$225 per registrant

Group Pricing:
Groups of 5 or more: $195 each
Groups of 10 or more: $185 each

Pricing Calculator

About Andrea

Dr. Andrea Ogonosky is a licensed psychologist, a licensed specialist in school psychology, and a nationally certified school psychologist who currently serves various roles in school districts across the United States. Her job duties include assessing students for IDEA disability conditions; conducting program reviews on Response to Intervention, Section 504, and Special Education; designing Response to Intervention systems of support for small, medium, and large school districts; providing professional development on a variety of educational and assessment topics; supplying expert testimony at local, state, and federal court; and supervising school psychology students at the master and doctoral level.

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